Does Starbucks Pay Dividends? (Is Starbucks a Great Dividend Stock? +More Information)

Many people have turned to share purchase as an investment method. A dividend is a sharing of profits to investors by a dividend-paying company. Does Starbucks pay dividends?

Yes, it does. Starbucks is one of the dividend-paying companies. A dividend is an amount paid to investors when a company makes profits. Starbucks announces its stocks and investors invest by purchasing these shares. This means that if I buy Starbucks stocks, I am entitled to a profit split from the company. My stocks also make me a shareholder of the company. The rest of the profit is put back into the business. Starbucks being the largest coffee chain in the world is a great place to buy stocks.





12-05-2022 CASH 0.49 15-03-2022 13-05-2022 27-05-2022
10-02-2022 CASH 0.49 10-11-2021 11-02-2022 25-02-2022
10-11-2021 CASH 0.49 15-09-2021 12-11-2021 26-11-2021
11-08-2021 CASH 0.45 23-06-2021 12-08-2021 27-08-2021
12-05-2021 CASH 0.45 16-03-2021 13-05-2021 28-05-2021
17-02-2021 CASH 0.45 11-11-2020 18-02-2021 05-03-2021
10-11-2020 CASH 0.45 30-09-2020 12-11-20202 27-11-2020
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07-05-2020 CASH 0.41 17-03-2020 08-05-2020 22-05-2020
05-02-2020 CASH 0.41 13-11-2019 06-02-2020 21-02-202
12-11-2019 CASH 0.41 11-09-2019 13-11-2019 29-11-2019
07-08-2019 CASH 0.36 26-06-2019 08-08-2019 23-08-2019
08-05-2019 CASH 0.36 19-03-2019 09-05-2019 24-05-2019
06-02-2019 CASH 0.36 11-09-2019 13-11-2019 29-11-2019
14-11-2018 CASH 0.36 12-09-2018 15-11-2018 30-11-2018
08-08-2018 CASH 0.36 15-06-2018 09-08-2018 24-08-2018
09-05-2018 CASH 0.30 20-03-2018 10-05-2018 25-05-2018
07-02-2018 CASH 0.30 15-11-2017 08-02-2018 23-02-2018
15-11-2017 CASH 0.30 13-09-2017 16-11-2017 01-12-2017
08-08-2017 CASH 0.25 28-06-2017 10-08-2017 25-08-2017
09-05-2017 CASH 0.25 21-03-2017 11-05-2017 26-05-2017
07-02-2017 CASH 0.25 15-11-2016 11-05-2017 26-05-2017
15-11-2016 CASH 0.25 14-09-2016 17-11-2016 02-12-2016
02-02-2016 CASH 0.20 11-05-2016 17-11-2016 02-12-2016
03-05-2016 CASH 0.20 22-03-2016 05-05-2016 20-05-2016
02-02-2016 CASH 0.20 10-11-2015 04-02-2016 19-02-2016

Starbucks Corporation Common Stock Dividend History

The above is the Starbucks dividends history since 2016. From the information above, Starbucks has maintained a great track record of dividend payments. Note that the EFF date shown in the table above is set a business day ahead of the record date. If you purchase a dividend on or after the ex-dividend date, you will not receive a dividend in the next payout. You will have to wait for the payout after that quarter. If you purchased the shares before the eff date, then you will get a dividend in the next payout.

Is Starbucks a Good Dividend Stock?

Starbucks Dividends

According to Wall Street, Starbucks is a good buy. A 0.49 dollars quarterly dividend or a 1.96 annually is very decent. If you are looking to invest in the stock market, a Starbucks stock is a great deal. A Wall Street analysis showed that 12 people rated Starbucks a strong buy, six rated it a buy, and none rated it a sell. Other analysts have advised potential investors to buy Starbucks stocks as they have a yield of 2% and a potential increase in the future. It is always accurate to rely on expert information. Some experts have pointed out potential risks in these stocks.

One such risk is the constant China lockdown that has affected the coffee chains adversely. As it is known, China’s market contributes 13% of revenue. Starbucks China directly affects the stock performance of the entire corporation. Overall, Starbucks is a good dividend stock and the future still looks bright.

How often does Starbucks pay a dividend?

Starbucks Dividend Stock

As the dividends history table above demonstrates, Starbucks gives a quarterly dividend. A business year is divided into four quarters. The first quarter is commonly known as Q1, the second quarter is called Q2, the third one is called Q3, and the last quarter is in Q4. The first quarter is made up of the first three months of the year and the rest of the quarters come every three months until the end of that year. If you invest at Starbucks, expect a dividend four times a year.

Final Thoughts

Every financial investment comes with risks, but a good investor weighs the gains against the losses. If the gains surpass the losses at a reasonable margin, then the investment is worth it. A Starbucks, like any other investment this year comes with its risks due to the ever-changing global dynamics. However, this company has maintained steadiness over the years. It is a worthy investment when all the pros and cons are put into consideration.

FAQ Section

Is Starbucks a good buy?

Starbucks is a good buy. A Wall Street analysis showed that 12 investors thought it was a strong buy.

When did Starbucks Last pay its dividends?

The last Starbucks dividend payout was in February 2022.

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