How much does the average Dutch Bros employees make (how much do Dutch Bros employees make per hour + more information)?

The employees at Dutch Bros are known to be courteous, kind, and generally happy people who hopefully get well compensated for their elite customer service. So, how much does the average Dutch Bros employee make?

Since I discovered Dutch Bros, I have been a loyal customer and do not plan to shift gears anytime soon. Apart from the fresh coffee and delicious goodies, one of the things that always get me coming back is the fantastic employees at Dutch Bros. I am always greeted by a warm smile every time I enter the shop to order. Also, when I order via the drive-thru, the voice on the other side is so welcoming it feels like a hug.

Considering my and many other customers’ experiences with the Dutch Bros employees, I was curious to find out how much they are usually paid. After extensive research, I discovered that the average Dutch Bros employee’s salary depends on rank. It ranges from $10.11 per hour per shift for a barista and $31.16 per hour per shift for a contract administrator. I also found out the average hourly rate for employees of different ranks and prepared this article with all this information. If you are curious to learn more, keep reading.

How much do Dutch Bros employees make?

The table below summarizes the average salaries of Dutch Bros employees in different states.

StateDutch Bros Employee RanksAverage hourly pay
ArizonaContract Administrator$ 34.97
Assistant Manager$ 15.86
Shift Supervisor$ 20.37
Shift Leader$ 16.89
Food Stand Manager$ 16.55
Cashier$ 14.71
Barista$ 13.87
CaliforniaContract Administrator$ 37.97
Assistant Manager$ 20.57
Shift Supervisor$ 21.43
Shift Leader$ 19.43
Food Stand Manager$ 18.86
Cashier$ 17.28
Barista$ 14.38
ColoradoContract Administrator$ 29.89
Assistant Manager$ 20.34
Shift Supervisor$ 20.29
Shift Leader$ 19.39
Food Stand Manager$ 16.53
Cashier$ 14.86
Barista$ 12.58
IdahoContract Administrator$32.18
Assistant Manager$24.00
Shift Supervisor$ 17.76
Shift Leader$ 18.24
Food Stand Manager$ 16.40
Cashier$ 12.43
Barista$ 12.75
KansasContract Administrator$ 26.91
Assistant Manager$17.22
Shift Supervisor$ 17.91
Shift Leader$ 16.27
Food Stand Manager$ 14.33
Cashier$ 12.61
Barista$ 12.61
MissouriContract Administrator$ 30.78
Assistant Manager$ 17.13
Shift Supervisor$ 18.16
Shift Leader$ 15.85
Food Stand Manager$ 16.51
Cashier$ 13.16
Barista$ 12.38
New MexicoContract Administrator$ 26.65
Assistant Manager$ 16.15
Shift Supervisor$ 16.73
Shift Leader$ 15.63
Food Stand Manager$ 15.66
Cashier$ 12.67
Barista$ 13.02
NevadaContract Administrator$ 34.12
Assistant Manager$ 15.55
Shift Supervisor$ 18.05
Shift Leader$ 16.40
Food Stand Manager$ 15.37
Cashier$ 13.34
Barista$ 13.84
OklahomaContract Administrator$ 29.10
Assistant Manager$ 19.26
Shift Supervisor$ 16.80
Shift Leader$ 16.28
Food Stand Manager$ 13.78
Cashier$ 12.07
Barista$ 12.39
OregonContract Administrator$ 35.05
Assistant Manager$ 15.53
Shift Supervisor$ 18.33
Shift Leader$ 18.07
Food Stand Manager$ 17.67
Cashier$ 14.29
Barista$ 13.01
TennesseeContract Administrator$ 25.58
Assistant Manager$ 20.33
Shift Supervisor$ 16.93
Shift Leader$ 16.69
Food Stand Manager$ 15.34
Cashier$ 12.82
Barista$ 12.43
TexasContract Administrator$ 30.89
Assistant Manager$ 18.91
Shift Supervisor$ 18.02
Shift Leader$ 16.40
Food Stand Manager$ 14.91
Cashier$ 12.49
Barista$ 12.59
UtahContract Administrator$ 28.80
Assistant Manager$ 13.72
Shift Supervisor$ 17.98
Shift Leader$ 14.65
Food Stand Manager$ 16.10
Cashier$ 12.82
Barista$ 13.01
WashingtonContract Administrator$ 33.76
Assistant Manager$ 17.50
Shift Supervisor$ 21.06
Shift Leader$ 21.05
Food Stand Manager$ 18.97
Cashier$ 15.27
Barista$ 12.60

FAQ Section

Does Dutch Bros pay weekly in New York when you start?

Yes, they do. They pay two times a week, plus daily cash tips.

How old do you have to work at Dutch Bros in California?

The minimum age requirement is 16 years old to work at Dutch Bros in California. This is also the company-wide minimum age.

How frequently are tips paid out at Dutch Bros for new employees?

Tips are usually paid out daily.

After how long can you get a raise at Dutch Bros in Florida?

The maximum time it can take to get a raise is two years.

Do Dutch Bros’ new baristas get raises?

No, they do not. Raises are given only once in two years.

Do you get paid for training hours at Dutch Bros?

Yes, you do. You will get paid for four days of warehouse training and two weeks for in-stand training before you take the recipe test.

How much do new employees make at Dutch Bros?

This will depend on your rank. The pay ranges from $ 10.11 per hour per shift for a barista to $ 31.16 per hour per shift for a contract administrator.

What is the average pay for each employee rank?

Dutch bros has about seven employee ranks: contract administrator, assistant manager, shift supervisor, shift leader, food stand manager, cashier, and barista. Their average hourly pay is as follows respectively. $ 31.16, $ 24, $ 10.30, $ 10.30, $ 14.00, $ 15.00, and $ 15.00.

How much do Dutch Bros employees make in tips?

Dutch Bros employees make an average of $ 2 to $ 6 in tips. These tips are made daily.

Do Dutch bros employees get benefits?

Yes, they do. They can get free drinks of any flavor and size and discounts. They also get free T-shirts and caps monthly.

What is the maximum pay raise percentage employees can get from Dutch Bros?

In the event of a raise, employees can get a maximum of 50% addition to their current salary.

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