What does double blended mean at Starbucks? (How do you order a double blended coffee at Starbucks? + More information)
Starbucks is one of the premier coffee houses that boast of having blended drinks. If you love blended drinks, you can always get double blended drinks there. However, what does double blended mean at Starbucks?
Double blended at Starbucks means that the drink you have ordered is getting blended the second time. If you want a nicely prepared drink and you don’t feel like something heavy, you request your drink to be double-blended. I was not aware of this until some months back when I wanted my drink to be smooth. I asked the barista if my favorite drink can get smoother. The barista told me he will make it double blended and for sure I enjoyed it so much. If you want your drink to be smooth, ask for your drink to be double-blended.
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What does it mean to get something blended at Starbucks?
Well, getting your favorite drink blended at Starbucks simply means having it properly put together with proper consistency. Having your drink blended ensures that all the ingredients of that drink are thoroughly mixed and that they have become one. Most people love to have their drinks blended. This way they get to enjoy a drink with proper consistency. All Starbucks blenders, espresso, and ovens machines have been set to specifications that can create drinks and foods properly.
For instance, when making a Frappuccino, the barista may press a precise button on the blender. This has been set to create a proper consistency with a determined amount of time. Nonetheless, some people want their Frappuccino to get smoother. So, they may request for it to be “double-Blended” this will prompt the barista to press the button the second time. Getting your drink blended will not affect the taste of your drink in any way.
What are blended options at Starbucks?

Starbucks provides varieties of blended options for its customers to choose from. You can choose from light blended to double-blend options. The following drinks will be better getting double blended they include Crème Frappuccino, Iced Coffee or Tea, refreshers, and Java Chip Frappuccino.
Crème Frappuccino: this is a sweet drink that you can get at Starbucks. When you double blend Crème Frappuccino you will get a milkshake-like texture. Well, you should not get worried about the separation. Double-blending leads to separation, as the drink has a cream base. You can also ask for less ice to be added if you would like a creamier texture.
Blended ice coffee: this is a wonderful drink that you can enjoy at Starbucks. Double blending this drink will transform this drink into a delicious frozen beverage. One point to take is that double-blending regular drinks can make them separate very fast since they lack ingredients to keep them together.
Strawberry Acai with Sweet Cream: when you double blend a refresher such as Strawberry Acai with Sweet Cream turns them into a frozen beverage. You should, however, double blend refreshers that contain coconut milk base. This is so since others without coconut milk might separate very fast.
Java Chip Frappuccino: this drink is made with a chocolate chip which delivers a nice texture. The chips are heavier and always fall at the bottom. When you double blend this drink, you will have the chips broken into smaller pieces which will change the drink’s texture making it easier to drink using a straw and get a chip with every sip
How do you order a double blended coffee at Starbucks?

Some people like to order their drinks online and others in-store. However, the double-blending option is not available on the app. When ordering double blended coffee, you tell the barista the size you want give the name of the coffee, customize it to your liking then ask the barista to get your order double blended.
For example, when ordering for Frappuccino with coffee, ask the barista for a tall size, whole milk, with 2 pumps of Frap roast, 2 pumps of sweetening base, ice, 1 pump sauce, 1 pump syrup 2 scoops inclusion, and double-blended.
Double-blending your drink will take a while, so be patient enough to while waiting for your drink to get prepared for you to enjoy.
Final Thoughts
Double-blending will make your drink have a proper consistency and also make it smoother. You can always enjoy a double-blended coffee at Starbucks.
FAQ Section
What is the healthiest double blended drink at Starbucks?
While most double-blended drinks contain high sugar, caffeine, and calories. You can make them healthy through customization. Mini Mocha Light Frappuccino is a healthy drink. It contains 80 calories and 15 g of sugar.
Does Starbucks have double blended Frappuccino?
Yes, it does. Starbucks has Double blended Frappuccino. You can have the Java Chip Frappuccino blended for you and enjoy.
What does light blended mean at Starbucks?
Light blended in Starbucks means not making your drink have a strong taste. Your drink is made by mixing ingredients using small amounts of each ingredient other than the regular one.