Do coffee creamers expire? (Can expired coffee creamer make you sick? + More information)
If you are a coffee lover, you know how creamers enhance your coffee taste and elevate your drinking experience. You probably have bought some to store at home, but what happens if they expire; can expired coffee cream make you sick?
The short answer to this question is, yes, expired coffee creamer can make you sick. Coffee creamer that has expired and gone bad will cause food poisoning and stomach acid. This is because expired coffee creamer is like dairy that has gone bad. I am a lover of coffee, and I just discovered creamers a few months ago. Creamers changed my coffee experience as they give your coffee a creamy texture and flavor that leaves you wanting more. However, I am very keen on what I consume, so when I became a creamer lover, I researched when it is best for use and any side effects that come with it. Through this, I realized that expired coffee creamer is terrible and can cause food poisoning and stomach upset. Therefore, read on if you want to know more about coffee creamers and how long they last.
Table of Contents
How long do coffee creamers last?
As mentioned above, the shelf life of coffee creamers depends on the variation of coffee creamer that you have. Generally, the expiration date indicated on the container of the creamer does not necessarily mean your creamer will go bad after that date. If stored properly, creamers can stay longer than the best-by date.
Dairy creamers can last for at least a month if unopened and stored at room temperature. However, these creamers can last for up to one week after the expiration date when opened. If unopened, dairy creamers will be suitable for consumption within two weeks. If you want your dairy creamers to have a longer shelf life, always refrigerate them. On the other hand, powdered creamers have the longest shelf life as they can last for 2 to 3 years, just at room temperature.
What are the effects of drinking expired coffee creamers?

If your expired coffee creamer has not gone bad, it is safe for consumption, and nothing will happen when you drink it. However, if it has gone bad and is past its expiration date, you can suffer from food poisoning and stomach upsets. Creamer that has gone bad will also give you digestive issues and make you endure unbearable stomach pain. Other symptoms that you can suffer from after consuming bad creamer are diarrhea, acid stomach, and vomiting, among other symptoms.
Additionally, consuming an expired coffee creamer translates to drinking a dairy product that has gone bad. This can give you terrible flatulence and bloat and even cause bad breath. The body will take a few days to clear the creamer from your digestive canal. Therefore, if you suspect that your coffee creamer has gone bad, be it before or after the expiration date, do not consume it. You can store your creamers properly to ensure their shelf life is not cut short.
How do I know if my coffee creamer is expired?
To know if your coffee creamer has expired, check the best-by date. However, your creamer can expire and still be safe for consumption. On the other hand, if you do not store it properly, it might even go bad before the expiration date. Therefore, check out for smell, texture, and taste changes to determine if your coffee creamer has gone bad.
For the liquid coffee creamer, you should also look out for any lumps, clumps, and texture changes in the creamer. You can also determine if your creamer has gone bad by looking at its appearance. If your creamer is past its expiration date and you are not sure if it is safe for consumption or not yet, it has a good smell, and other signs indicating that it has gone bad are not present, drink a teaspoon of it to check out its taste. If its taste indicates it has lost quality, throw it; however, if it still retains a good taste, that means it has not gone bad yet and is safe for consumption.
How do I store my coffee creamer to increase its shelf life?

The best way to store your coffee creamer depends on your coffee creamer. All creamers can be frozen to achieve maximum freshness even past the expiration date. For powdered coffee creamer, it would have a longer shelf life even if left in the pantry, as it can thrive at room temperature. However, for dairy creamers, you can either freeze or refrigerate them to increase their shelf life and prevent them from going bad before the expiration date.
Final thoughts
The bottom line is that the expiration date indicated on coffee creamers’ containers is not the ultimate way to rule out that your creamer has gone bad. That is just a date; your creamer can still be safe for consumption past that date if you store it properly. How long the creamer will last past the expiration date will also depend on the creamer you have and if it is opened or unopened. However, if your creamer has gone bad, whether before or after the expiration date, you should throw it away as it is not safe for consumption and can lead to food poisoning. Check out your creamer keenly to ensure it is of good quality before consumption.
FAQ Section
How long is a coffee creamer good for after expiry?
If your coffee creamer is past its expiration date but still unopened, it is suitable for two more weeks; however, if it is already opened, consume it within a week.
Do powdered coffee creamers have a longer shelf life?
Yes, most powdered coffee creamers are suitable for three years. This time will change depending on the brand of creamer you have.
Can I drink a coffee creamer left overnight?
If you store it properly, you can enjoy coffee creamer that has stayed overnight.
Can I freeze my coffee creamer?
Yes, coffee creamers can be frozen even when they are full bottles, as they do not expand as much as water.
How long can coffee with creamer sit out?
Coffee with creamer is only suitable for not more than 2 hours as it might cause food poisoning after this.
What can you do with spoilt coffee creamer?
Disposing of spoilt coffee creamer is safe as it can make you sick or cause food poisoning.
How long do liquid creamers last after expiration?
If unopened, a liquid coffee creamer can last up to one month in the pantry after the expiration date, and it will be safe for use. However, once you open it, it will only be good for two weeks and should be kept in the refrigerator.
What coffee creamer does not need to be refrigerated?
The Nestle coffee mate coffee creamer does not need to be refrigerated.
Do unopened liquid creamers need to be refrigerated?
No, unopened liquid coffee creamers are completely okay under room temperature; hence can be kept in the pantry or kitchen.