Can Coffee Cause False Positives On Urine Tests? (does coffee affect urine test + more information)

How can coffee cause false positives on urine tests? This question comes to your mind when you are told to avoid caffeinated drinks before a urine test.  

Yes, coffee can cause a false positive on urine tests. It can be frustrating to be eliminated at the National Olympic qualifiers due to a false positive during the drug test. Being a long jump professional, I have undergone multiple urine tests, some of which were positive, despite not taking any prohibited substances. I later realized that the false positives might have been caused by caffeine because I take strong coffee daily. Keep reading to know whether coffee can affect a urine test and much more!

Why does caffeine cause a false positive on my urine drug test?

The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant. When you take a cup of your favorite coffee, the caffeine ends up in your bloodstream. It then passes into your urine. Being a diuretic, caffeine increases the rate of urine production in your body.

This might be an issue if you have an impending urine test. The increase in the rate of urine production can result in a false positive for illegal substances such as methamphetamines or other prohibited substances. Therefore, avoiding caffeinated drinks such as coffee and energy drinks might be advisable before taking a urine test because they can potentially affect the test results.

Should I drink coffee before my urine test?

No, you should not drink coffee before a urine test. As I have mentioned earlier, coffee contains caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that makes you feel energized and keeps you alert for long hours.

Besides making you feel energized, caffeine increases the rate at which your body produces urine. This might be a problem if you are about to have a urine test because it can result in a false positive. Therefore, avoid drinking coffee at all costs before taking your urine test.

Can coffee affect a 24-hour urine test?

does coffee affect urine test

Yes, coffee can affect a 24-hour urine test. For instance, taking strong coffee less than 24 hours before a pregnancy test might affect the results. Therefore, you should avoid caffeinated drinks for 48 hours before taking your urine test.

If it is impossible to avoid taking caffeinated drinks, make sure to limit your intake of the same. Also, you can swap your favorite coffee drink for its decaf version. For instance, you can replace the Starbucks pike place roast with the Starbucks decaf pike place roast.

Can decaf coffee cause a positive on a urine test?

No, decaf coffee cannot cause a positive urine test. Decaf coffee contains an insignificant amount or no caffeine. As I have mentioned earlier, it is the caffeine in coffee that affects urine test results. Therefore, because decaf coffee has little or no caffeine content, it will not cause a positive urine test.  

FAQ Section 

How much caffeine will affect urine test?

No answer exists on the amount of caffeine that can affect your urine test. However, you are advised not to take caffeinated drinks before a urine test because any amount of caffeine in your bloodstream can alter the test results. You can swap your favorite coffee drink with its decaf version.

Can coffee before bed affect urine test the next morning?

Yes, coffee before bed can affect urine test results the next morning. It is advisable to avoid taking caffeinated drinks for at least 48 hours before taking a urine test.

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