Starbucks Chapple Tea Latte (Ingredients, Taste, Variations, Sizes, Copycat Recipe, Caffeine, Diary content & more information)

Who doesn’t love a caffeinated drink with distinct flavors? That is precisely what the Chapple tea latte offers. Read on to learn more about this beautifully delicious latte.

If you have never heard about a Chapple tea latte at Starbucks, don’t worry, as we will unpack this drink. The Chapple tea latte is a chai beverage on Starbucks’ secret menu. That means you cannot order this drink like the other drinks on the Starbucks regular menu. I also didn’t know about this drink until recently, when I discovered to try out all Starbucks lattes.

When I finished the lattes on the regular menu, I was urged to keep having lattes; therefore, I decided to research their secret menu lattes. That is when I came across this fantastic drink, the Chapple tea latte. Giving you caffeine and some refreshing properties with a caramel flavor is such a heavenly experience. Stick around to discover more about this latte, learn how to order it, and even how to make it at home.

A brief history of the drink

Knowing some little history of this latte might convince you to try it out. So, here we go! The Chapple tea latte at Starbucks is a blend of chai concentrate and caramel apple spice. This drink was invented at the coffee house in 2013 by a barista. Baristas mainly discover unique secret menu drinks if many customers’ favorite drinks have been discontinued. They do this to serve and cool down the disappointment in the customers. But this was not the case with this fantastic latte, as it was just a creative discovery by the barista.

Is Starbucks Chapple Tea Latte still available at Starbucks?

Yes, the Chapple tea latte is still available at Starbucks as all ingredients used to make it are readily available. However, this is not a regular menu item; therefore, when you search for it on the Starbucks mobile app or website, you might not get it. Worry no more, as you can customize a regular menu drink and order your Chapple tea latte. To order this drink via Starbucks mobile app or website, search for the caramel apple spice, customize it by adding chai concentrate, and place your order. Sit back as your barista prepares your order, and delivery will be made.

Starbucks Chapple Tea Latte (Ingredients, Taste, variations, Sizes, Caffeine, Calories, Dairy Content)

What’s in a Starbucks Chapple Tea Latte? – (Ingredients)

According to Starbucks’ secret menu website, the Chapple tea latte is simply a blend of chai concentrate and caramel apple spice. The caramel apple spice from Starbucks is made of cinnamon dolce syrup, caramel sauce, apple juice, and whipped cream.

  • Apple juice – apple juice is a core ingredient in this latte and gives it a cider feel.
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup – cinnamon dolce syrup is added to this drink to enhance its flavor.
  • Whipped cream – a sweet-flavored drink with a smooth, creamy finish! That is what whipped cream does to the Chapple tea latte.
  • Caramel sauce – the rich caramel taste in the Chapple tea latte is from this ingredient used to make the caramel apple spice. The caramel sauce from Starbucks is made of buttermilk, corn syrup, sugar, heavy cream, water, and some natural flavors added to it.
  • Chai concentrate – caffeine in a refreshing flavored drink won’t hurt, right? I know you will love the energy boost you will get from this latte, thanks to the chai concentrate. Starbucks chai tea concentrate is an infusion of black tea, black pepper, water, cardamom, natural flavors, cloves, honey, vanilla, ginger juice, sugar, and citric acid.
  • Milk – most Starbucks lattes are made with 2% steamed milk.

Starbucks Chapple Tea Latte: Sizes, nutrition, caffeine, Diary content & Calories

Starbucks Chapple Tea Latte Ingredients

What sizes are available?

Starbucks Chapple tea latte is available in four sizes; kids (8 ounces), short (8 ounces), tall (12 ounces), a Grande (16 ounces), and a Venti (20 ounces). It is essential to know that this drink’s caffeine content and nutritional facts depend on the size of the drink you order it in. Additionally, the Chapple tea latte has relatively high calories, so I recommend you go for a Venti while ordering it. You can stick to a tall as you will get some caffeine to boost your energy while maintaining the calorie intake low.

Nutritional facts

As mentioned above, the Chapple tea latte has relatively high calories and thus should not be a daily drink. And even on those rare occasions, going for a reasonably small size will save you from consuming all those calories.

Nutritional Value (Grande serving)% Daily Value
Total fat 8 grams


Saturated fat 5 grams




Total carbohydrates 77 grams


Sugars 70 grams

Sodium 35 mg2%
Cholesterol 25 mg8%
Protein 1 gram 

Caffeine information

If all you are looking for is an energy boost from this latte, you will get that, as it has some caffeine content. Chai concentrate has some caffeine content, though not as much as caffeine found in coffee. A 16-ounce serving of the Chapple tea latte has 95 mg of caffeine. This serving is made with four pumps of chai concentrate. The different sizes of this latte are made with a different number of pumps of the chai tea concentrate, meaning the caffeine content will vary across the sizes.

Dairy content

Most Starbucks lattes are made with 2% milk, which has been steamed hot. This is no different from the Chapple tea latte as it is made with the same amount of dairy milk. However, you can customize this drink and substitute the milk with plant-based milk if you are a vegan.

So, what does the Starbucks Chapple tea latte taste like?

The Starbucks Chapple tea latte has a relaxing and refreshing flavor. You will feel a mixture of different flavors when taking this drink. On your first sip, you can quickly note that it has a cider flavor, thanks to the apple juice added to it. You can also feel hints of caramel and cinnamon when having this latte. It is cool, smooth, and delicious, and all ingredients blend perfectly well, making this latte sweet.

Ways to customize a Starbucks Chapple tea latte at Starbucks – Starbucks Chapple tea latte variations

First, you can order this tea iced or warm. When having it iced, ask your barista to serve it in a cup over ice. You can also ask your barista to prepare your Chapple tea latte blended or mix the ingredients. Another variation of this drink is adding espresso shots to increase its caffeine content. This variation is excellent for caffeine addicts.

How to make Starbucks Chapple Tea Latte at home – Starbucks Chapple Tea Latte Copycat Recipe

Starbucks Chapple Tea Latte

Starbucks Chapple Tea Latte Copycat Recipe

Kai Jordan


  • Glass
  • Saucepan
  • Blender


  • Milk
  • Chai tea concentrate
  • Apple juice
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup
  • Whipped cream
  • Caramel sauce


  • To make the Starbucks Chapple tea, start by steaming your milk in a saucepan.
  • After your milk is ready, put all the ingredients in a blender except for whipped cream, and whirl until they blend perfectly.
  • Transfer your drink to a glass, serve and garnish it with whipped cream. Enjoy.


  • To easily achieve this recipe, buy ready-made chai tea concentrate, and you can buy a replica of what Starbucks uses at Amazon.
  • You can replace milk with plant-based milk and drop the whipped cream if you want to reduce the calorie content in this drink.
  • You are not restricted on the amount of chai tea concentrate you use in this drink; all that will be determined by the caffeine you want.
  • If you want this drink cold, blend the ingredients with ice. If you want to have it iced, serve it in a glass over ice.

Informative Section

How to order a Starbucks Chapple tea latte at Starbucks

Ordering a Starbucks Chapple tea latte is straightforward since its recipe is not complicated. This makes it possible to order this drink via the Starbucks mobile app or quickly get it when you visit a Starbucks store. To order it online, search for the caramel apple spice, customize it by adding chai tea concentrate, and place your order. If it is physical, tell your barista to make you a Chapple tea latte by mixing caramel apple spice and chai tea concentrate.

Is the Starbucks Chapple tea latte good?

Yes, it is. The Chapple tea latte has a relaxing flavor with caffeine content, just enough to keep you alert throughout the day.

How much is the Starbucks Chapple tea latte?

The barista often determines the price of the Chapple tea latte depending on how you customize your drink and size.

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