Is Newman’s coffee mold-free? (What makes Newman’s coffee mold-free? + more information)

The presence of mold in coffee beans raises a lot of health concerns and diet precautions among coffee lovers. With major coffeehouses taking great care to protect the health of their customers, is Newman’s coffee mold-free?

Newman’s coffee is third-party tested and certified as a mold-free product. It is made from 100% Arabica coffee beans grown, roasted, and processed using standardized chemical-free practices to keep the mold away. After researching the presence of mold in coffee, I found that there is a large percentage of mold toxins in coffee beans. As a veteran coffee drinker, I was worried that I had already exposed myself to health risks associated with mold toxins because I drank my coffee without ascertaining its mold-free status. Am I too late to start taking care of my health by ensuring the coffee I drink is mold-free? Absolutely not! But which coffee is 100% mold-free? How do I know if my coffee is mold-free? Read on for more information.

What makes Newman’s coffee mold-free?

The natural and sustainable farming practices that Newman’s coffee undergoes from start to finish are what make it mold-free. The Oregon Tilth Standards certify that the process of growing Newman’s coffee is 100% organic, as there’s no use of artificial fertilizers or pesticides. Newman’s coffee is also tested and certified by other independent third parties, like Fair Trade and USDA Organic.

Newman’s coffee is packaged in a certified and specially designed bag that prevents moisture and air from infecting the coffee beans with a mycotoxin called ochratoxin-a. The coffee is routinely tested to ensure it maintains its mold-free quality.

How do I know if my Newman’s coffee is mold-free?

Is Newman’s coffee mold-free? 
Newman’s coffee. Image source: Pinterest

You can know if your Newman’s Own coffee is mold-free by checking if the coffee beans have third-party certifications. These certifications prove that Newman’s coffee is genuinely mold-free, as it states on its packaging. You can also check for signs like foul odor and grey patches on your coffee. If your coffee has mold, it will have a bland taste.

Is Newman’s coffee mycotoxin-free?

Yes, Newman’s coffee is third-party tested and certified as a mycotoxin-free product. It has USDA Organic and Fair Trade certifications that prove its products are grown and made using chemical-free and sustainable practices.

Mycotoxins are tiny fungi that may grow on coffee beans due to molds. Given the adverse health effects of mycotoxins, like cancer, immune deficiency, and acute poisoning, you are well within your rights to question whether Newman’s coffee is mycotoxin-free. Newman’s coffee uses ingredients that are grown without using any artificial fertilizers or pesticides. The products are also sold in retail stores that specialize in natural and healthy foods. An example of mycotoxin-free Newman’s coffee is Newman’s Special Blend Decaf.


Can Newman’s coffee make you sick?

Yes, Newman’s coffee might contain ingredients that can cause negative reactions if you have severe allergies.

Can Newman’s coffee get mold?

No, Newman’s coffee undergoes a strictly natural farming process and follows rigorous environmental standards that prevent it from getting mold. It is also routinely checked and tested to ensure it remains mold-free.

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