Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear (Ingredients, Taste, Variations, Sizes, Copycat Recipe, Caffeine, Calories & More information)
You may be familiar with gummy bear candy, but do you know what Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear is? Read on to learn more about it.
Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear is an iced soda on the Dutch Bros regular drinks menu. It is usually prepared using passion fruit, pomegranate, grapefruit, and watermelon syrup. This soda is then usually topped up with whipped cream. My husband loves sodas, so I bought him this OG Gummy Bear one day from work. He fell in love with it, and I had to learn how to make it at home so he could enjoy it over the weekends with his friends. How can you make this drink at home? Please stick to the end as I will share my simple recipe, which you can follow to make this drink at your home. I will also give you tips on customizing this drink at Dutch Bros.
Table of Contents
Brief History of the drink
Although there is no accurate record or details on when Dutch Bros introduced their OG Gummy Bear on their menu, they decided to name this drink OG Gummy Bear to bring back memories of most of their customers. Most people grew up as kids eating the Gummy Bear candy, and what better way to relive these memories than by having a gummy bear drink? Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear is among the top-ordered soda flavors from their menu.
Is Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear still available at Dutch Bros?
Yes, the Dutch Bros OG Gummy Wear drink is still available at Dutch Bros. you can find it on the Dutch Bros menu under their Dutch Soda, and all you have to do is request the barista for it in whatever size you prefer. You can then go ahead and sip out of this soda slowly as you enjoy its heavenly taste.
Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear (Ingredients, Taste, Variations, Sizes, Caffeine, Calories)
What’s in a Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear- (Ingredients)
According to their website, Dutch Bros lists the ingredients in their OG Gummy Bear as Pomegranate, passion fruit, watermelon, and grapefruit.
- Pomegranate syrup: pomegranate is used in the preparation of this drink to give it this fruit’s taste and flavor. Dutch Bros makes their pomegranate by blending them off their juice.
- Passion fruit syrup: this syrup is used as an ingredient of this drink to give it a sweet taste and flavor of passion fruit.
- Watermelon syrup: watermelon syrup is used to give the OG Gummy Bear a watermelon taste and flavor. The watermelon syrup also adds a sweet fruity taste to this soda water.
- Grapefruit syrup: grapefruit syrup is prepared by blending water and grapefruits. This syrup perfectly blends with the other syrups to give the Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear a strong fruity flavor.
- Whipped cream: this ingredient is used on this drink as a topping.
Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear: Sizes, nutrition, Caffeine & Calories

What sizes are available
Dutch Bros offers this OG Gummy Bear in three different sizes. The sizes are small (12 fluid ounces), medium size (16 fluid ounces), and large size (24 fluid ounces). If you are ordering this drink from Dutch Bros for the first time, I suggest you order it in a large size because, trust me, you would wish there was a larger size than that, as this drink is breathtaking.
Nutritional facts
The nutritional facts of Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear will vary slightly depending on the size you order it from. When served in a large size, the OG Gummy Bear contains 390 calories, 4 grams of fat, 25 milligrams of cholesterol, 81 grams of carbohydrates, and zero protein and sodium.
When the OG Gummy Bear is served in a medium size, it contains 290 calories, 4 grams of fat, 61 grams of total carbohydrates, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, zero protein, and sodium.
The OG Gummy Bear has a total of 210 calories when served in a small size. Additionally, it has 4 grams of fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, 42 grams of total carbohydrates, and zero protein and sodium.
Below is a table showing the OG Gummy Bear nutritional facts when served in a large size.
Calories (per 2,000 daily intake) | 390 |
Nutritional value (per 1 cookie 2.9 oz. serving) | % Daily Value |
Total fat 4g
Saturated fat 0g | 5% |
Total carbohydrates 81g
Fiber 0g Sugar 80g | 27%
26% |
Cholesterol 25mg | 8% |
Sodium 0mg | 0% |
Protein 0g | 0% |
Caffeine information
The Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear is a none caffeinated drink, meaning it does not contain any caffeinated contents. As a result, this drink is suitable for children and adults who prefer no caffeinated drinks.
So, what does Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear taste like?
The Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear from Dutch Bros has a delightful and fruity taste. This soda water gets its fruity taste from combining all the fruits used. This soda water also has an intense fruity flavor.
Ways to customize Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear- Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear Variations
There are a few ways you can do to customize this Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear. Although it is rare to see someone taking their soda with whipped cream, you can customize this drink by topping it up with whipped cream for a sweeter taste. You can also customize this OG Gummy Bear by swapping certain fruit syrup with the ones you wish it to have.
How to make Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear at home- Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear copycat recipe

Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear copycat recipe
- Cup
- Spoon
- Pomegranate syrup
- Passion fruit syrup
- Watermelon syrup
- Grapefruit syrup
- Whipped cream
- In your cup, pour your equal measured amounts of pomegranate syrup, watermelon syrup, passion fruit syrup, and grapefruit syrup.
- Slightly mix these syrups with a spoon.
- Add whipped cream on top of this soda and enjoy.
- Leave out whipped cream if you do want a sweeter version of this drink
- Add a few ice cubes to your drink to make it iced.
Informative Section
Is the Dutch Bros OG Gummy Bear good?
Yes, Dutch Bros. OG Gummy Bear is good.
Can I drink an OG Gummy Bear from Dutch Bros while pregnant?
You can drink an OG Gummy Bear from Dutch Bros while pregnant.
How much is a large OG Gummy Bear from Dutch Bros
A large OG Gummy Bear from Dutch Bros costs $4.64.
What is the gummy bear flavor at Dutch Bros?
A gummy bear flavor at Dutch Bros combines passion fruit syrup, watermelon syrup, grapefruit syrup, and pomegranate syrup.