Escafé instant coffee nutrition facts (how many calories is in Nescafe instant coffee + more information)

Nescafe instant coffee is rich with a distinctive aroma and taste. Also, there is a lot to learn about Nescafe instant coffee nutrition facts.

Instant Nescafe coffee is easy to use and widely accessible. You don’t need much time to make your cup of coffee because it is already ground and ready. Over the years, preparing coffee was difficult because I did not have a coffee grinder to grind the beans. Therefore, I bought coffee from a nearby coffee shop every day. But since learning about Nescafe instant coffee, I’ve grown to love it and use it frequently at home and work. Learn more about the nutritional information for Nescafe instant coffee by reading on.

Nescafe instant coffee nutrition facts

Portion size (1 Teaspoonful)2g 
Calories (Amount per portion) 37 
Energy 10(kj) 
 %Daily Value
Sugars 4.2g9%
Protein 4.3g9%
Total fat 0g0%
Dietary Fiber 35g125%
Carbohydrates 4.2g2%
Sodium 43g2%

Final thoughts

All you need to add to Nescafe instant coffee is water, making it convenient for everyone. The nutritional information may differ, however, depending on your choice of Nescafe instant coffee. Additionally, any additives you prefer to add, like milk and syrups, may change the overall nutritional information. Therefore, check the nutritional information on the packaging to learn more about the Nescafe instant coffee you are drinking.

FAQ Section

Is Nescafe instant coffee healthy?

Yes. Nescafe instant coffee is a healthy and low-calorie beverage.

Will the calories in Nescafe instant coffee make me fat?

No. Since it is low in calories, it will not make you fat.

Can Nescafé instant coffee help me lose weight?

Yes. Nescafe instant coffee is low in calories and contains zero fats making it ideal for a weight loss diet.

Does Nescafé have calories?

Yes. Nescafe contains calories.

Does Nescafe instant coffee have fats?

No. Nescafe instant coffee does not contain fats.

Is it good to drink Nescafe every day?

Yes. There is no harm in drinking it daily if the maximum is 4 cups daily.

Is Nescafe instant real coffee?

Yes. Nescafe instant is real coffee made from 100% pure coffee granules.

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