How to use Dolce Gusto Piccolo coffee machine (A step by step guide with pictures + more information)

Are you interested in a dolce gusto coffee machine and are wondering how to use it? So, how do you use a dolce gusto coffee machine? Kindly read on to find out.

I decided to settle for the Dolce gusto coffee machine a few months ago after loving its quality and the different types of Nescafe k-pods used in it. I first came to know of this coffee machine after a friend bought hers. She then convinced me to get one as she found it very easy to operate. If you are interested in this coffee-making machine and want to know how it is set up and used, this post is for you. In this post, I will provide step-by-step guidelines on how to use this machine to make your cup of coffee and how to clean it.

How do you set up a dolce gusto coffee machine?

A step by step guide with pictures 
Dolce gusto coffee machine. Image source: Nestlé Professional

The dolce gusto coffee machine is among the most popular coffee-making machine on the market. This machine is the easiest to set up and brew your coffee once you get used to it.

Below are a few simple steps you need to follow to set up your dolce gusto coffee machine;

  • Find your ideal place in your kitchen and carefully place your gusto coffee machine there.
  • Plug in your piccolo XS in your dolce gusto coffee machine. Ensure that your machine’s lever is in the ‘stop’ position.
  • Carefully turn on your piccolo XS. Do this by opening the locking handle and removing your capsule holder.
  • Then, leave your piccolo XS to warm up for about fifty seconds. Your coffee machine will first turn red.
  • Let the red-light blink until it turns green. This will indicate that your machine is ready to be used.
  • Carefully remove your dolce gusto machine’s water tank and rinse it with clean drinking water.
  • Re-fill your water tank with water and re-insert it into your coffee machine.
  • Take your rinsing tool and insert it in the capsule holder. The purpose of the rising tool will be to ensure a steady flow of water during the rinsing process.
  • Then, lock down your machine’s handle by pushing it down.
  • Place a jug or container on the drip tray to hold the water coming down during the rinsing process.
  • Move your machine’s lever from the ‘stop’ to the ‘cold’ position. This will start the rinsing process.
  • Let this continue until your water tank is half empty. Then, re-adjust the lever to the ‘stop’ position to prevent more water from coming out. Your machine’s light will turn red. Let it blink until you see the green light.
  • This time, move your lever from the ‘stop’ position to the ‘hot’ position. Let the water run into your container until the tank is fully emptied.
  • Move the lever to the ‘stop’ position. Wait until your light goes from red to green and lift. Remove your water-filled container and dispose of the water in a basin or sink.
  • Carefully remove the rinsing tool from your capsule holder and store it for future use.
  • Re-insert your capsule holder back in your dolce gusto machine and close it.
  • Fill your water tank, and your coffee machine will be fully set and ready for use.

Making a beverage using the dolce gusto coffee machine

How to use Dolce Gusto Piccolo coffee machine 
Dolce gusto coffee machine. Image source: NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto

Making a beverage using your dolce gusto coffee machine is easy once you learn how to set it up. You can only use this coffee machine to make coffee, not just any beverage. To ensure you get the best coffee quality, use the necessary capsules and clean drinking water. I will provide a few simple steps to brew your beverage using your dolce gusto coffee machine.

How to make coffee using the dolce gusto coffee machine

  • Plug in your piccolo XS and turn it on.
  • Fill your coffee machine’s water tank with enough water and re-insert it correctly.
  • Lift your dolce gusto machine and remove your capsule holder.
  • Please choose the desired capsule with which you wish to brew your coffee and carefully place it in the holder.
  • Insert your capsule holder back into its position and push down your machine handle to close it.
  • Select a cup or mug you wish to use and place it on the drip tray.
  • Adjust your cup or mug to your desired position. There is a higher position you can adjust if you use a smaller cup and a lower position if you use a bigger cup. Additionally, if you use a traveling mug to hold your coffee, you can take off the drip tray so that your travel mug can fit perfectly below your coffee machine.
  • Move the lever from the ‘stop position to the ‘hot’ position.’ Let your coffee brew as your cup receives it.
  • Re-adjust your lever from the ‘hot’ position to the ‘stop’ position when your cup is almost full to prevent water from running in your cup.
  • Carefully lift off your cup and place it somewhere safe.
  • Turn off your dolce gusto coffee machine and enjoy your coffee.

Maintaining a dolce gusto coffee machine

How to use Dolce Gusto Piccolo coffee machine 
Dolce gusto coffee machine. Image source: NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto

Maintaining a dolce gusto coffee machine is necessary as it is the only way to keep it running for a long time. You can maintain your dolce gusto coffee machine by cleaning it regularly or descaling it. There are appropriate ways you can use to clean your coffee machine without damaging it or exposing it to too much water.

Below are a few steps you can use to clean your dolce gusto coffee machine;

  • Switch off your dolce gusto coffee machine and take off the water tank.
  • Also, open the machine and remove the capsule holder for cleaning
  • Disassemble the drip tray and put these parts in a sink for washing
  • Using a bar of soap and a microfiber cloth, carefully clean every part and rinse them with clean water.
  • Take a dump microfiber cloth and clean the rest of the dolce gusto coffee machine.
  • Remember to wipe off any dust inside your coffee machine and where the water tank is usually placed.
  • Carefully put back your water tank, capsule holder, and drip tray into place.
  • Your dolce gusto coffee machine is now ready for use.

How to descale a dolce gusto coffee machine

Here are a few steps you can follow to descale your dolce gusto coffee machine;

  • Mix a full bottle of the descaling solution with 500 milliliters of water.
  • Empty your machine’s water tank if any water is left, and re-fill it with the solution you just made.
  • Remove your capsule holder and insert a rinsing tool in it.
  • Push down the locking handle to close your coffee machine.
  • Carefully remove the drip tray from the machine and place a jug under the machine for water-holding purposes.
  • Switch off your dolce gusto coffee machine. Then, hold the power button for about five seconds until you see an orange color. (you do not have to do this if your dolce gusto coffee machine already has an orange blinking color)
  • Then, move the lever from the ‘stop’ position to the ‘hot’ position to start the descaling process.
  • Let it descale until the water tank is half empty, and move the lever back to the ‘stop’ position.
  • Wait for at least two minutes for the descaling process to be effective, and move back the lever to the ‘hot’ position.
  • Let the descaling process continue until the water tank is empty.
  • Move the lever back to the ‘stop’ position and wait another two minutes for the descaling process to be effective.
  • Empty the water in your jar into a sink or basin and put it back below the machine.
  • Pull the water tank from your coffee machine and fill it with clean drinking water.
  • Put the water tank back on your machine, move the lever to the ‘hot’ position, and leave it to rinse.
  • Wait for the water tank to be half empty and move the lever to the stop position. Then, drag the lever to the ‘cold’ position and leave the rinsing process to continue.
  • Empty your jar again and put back your drip tray. Switch off the machine for the orange blinking light to disappear.
  • Your dolce gusto coffee machine will now be fully descaled, and you can switch it back to use.
  • Ensure you carry out the descaling process every three months if you use hard water and every six months if you use cold water.

What do you use to clean a dolce gusto coffee machine?

Coffee Machine Care
Cleaning a dolce gusto coffee machine. Image source:

You will need clean drinking water, a descaling solution, a clean microfiber cloth, a jug, and soap to clean your dolce gusto coffee machine. These few pieces of equipment and materials will ensure your dolce gusto coffee machine is cleaned to the best level. Avoid using a rough piece of cloth when cleaning your coffee machine, as it can peel off some parts of the machine. 

Final Thoughts

Owning a dolce gusto coffee machine is the best thing a coffee lover can have, as it makes your morning and evening easy when you need a quick cup of coffee. Although it may seem complicated to operate this coffee machine, it becomes easy with time as you only have to learn a few steps to know how to operate it. This coffee machine only uses capsules from the Nescafe coffee brand, and you can buy these capsules from any of your nearest stores.

FAQ Section

Is a dolce gusto coffee machine easy to use?

Yes, the dolce gusto machine is straightforward to use, as you need only to follow a few simple steps to operate it.

How much water do you put in a dolce gusto coffee machine?

Five hundred milliliters of water is enough for your water tank.

How long does it take to make coffee using a dolce gusto machine?

It takes less than two minutes to prepare a delicious cup of coffee using a dolce gusto machine.

Is it a must to descale my dolce gusto coffee machine?

Yes, you have to descale your dolce gusto coffee machine to prevent more mineral deposits from piling into your coffee machine. Failure to descale your dolce coffee machine, your coffee may end up tasting bitter. Your coffee machine may also stop functioning normally.

Can I use distilled water to brew in my dolce gusto coffee machine?

It is not advisable to use any other water apart from clean drinking water in your dolce gusto coffee machine. This is because distilled water can have minerals that can pile up in your coffee machine.

How long will my dolce gusto coffee machine last?

Your dolce gusto machine can last for over ten years as long as you maintain it.

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