How to steam milk like Starbucks (can you steam milk like Starbucks + more information)
If you’re thinking of replicating any Starbucks drink with milk, you’re probably pondering, “Can you steam milk like Starbucks?” Keep reading to find out.
You can steam milk like Starbucks by choosing the kind of milk you prefer, preheat your espresso steam wand, and fill a stainless steel pitcher halfway with the milk. Then, position the steam wand properly in the milk and steam while monitoring the temperature. I’m a huge fan of creamy coffee drinks, especially the ones from Starbucks. I remember the first time I learned to steam milk like Starbucks was during the pandemic when there was a lockdown. Thanks to my sister, who had worked for the establishment for years, I learned how Starbucks baristas steam milk and was able to replicate most of their beverages at home. If you’d like to learn how to steam milk like Starbucks, know the equipment needed, and how long it takes, this post is for you, so read on.
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How to steam milk like Starbucks?
To steam milk like Starbucks, follow these steps;
- Pour the desired amount of milk into a steaming pitcher.
- Purge the steam wand by letting a small amount of steam escape to clear any residual water or milk.
- Submerge the steam wand into the milk, positioning it just below the surface.
- Turn on the steam wand and gradually lower the pitcher to create a whirlpool effect.
- Once the milk has reached a temperature of around 140-160°F, raise the pitcher to bring the steam wand closer to the surface and create a frothy, creamy texture.
- Continue steaming until the milk reaches a temperature of around 160-180°F or until the pitcher becomes too hot to hold comfortably.
- Turn off the steam wand and tap the bottom of the pitcher on a flat surface to remove any large bubbles.
- Give the pitcher a quick swirl to incorporate any remaining bubbles and achieve a smooth, velvety texture.
- Pour the steamed milk into your prepared espresso shot, holding back the foam with a spoon until the end.
- The type of milk you use can make a big difference in the quality of your steamed milk. Whole milk is the best option, but if you prefer a lower fat content, 2% or non-fat milk will work as well. Avoid using skim milk as it doesn’t froth as well as whole milk.
- It’s important not to fill the pitcher more than halfway, as the milk will expand when it’s steamed.
- Regarding the positioning of the steam wand, it should be just below the surface of the milk, at a slight angle.
- Remember to let the steam wand run for a few seconds until you hear a hissing sound before lowering the pitcher so that the steam wand is just under the surface of the milk and continue steaming.
- The goal is to create small, fine bubbles in the milk, which will give it that creamy, velvety texture.
- Ensure you heat the milk to between 150°F and 155°F.
What does Starbucks use to steam milk?

Starbucks uses commercial-grade espresso machines with a steam wand attachment to steam milk for their coffee drinks. These machines are designed to produce consistent, high-quality steamed milk for a large volume of customers throughout the day. The steam wand attachment on Starbucks’ espresso machines uses high-pressure steam to heat and froth the milk. The wand is usually made of stainless steel and is designed with small holes at the end to release steam. Also, Starbucks baristas use stainless steel pitchers to hold the milk while steaming. Overall, Starbucks uses high-quality equipment to steam milk for its coffee drinks. The use of commercial-grade espresso machines and the technique of steaming the milk with a steam wand allows for consistent and high-quality steamed milk that gives their coffee drinks a delicious, creamy texture.
How long do Starbucks baristas steam milk?
The amount of time that a Starbucks barista steams milk depends on the size of the pitcher, the type of milk, and the specific drink being made. However, in general, the steaming process for milk at Starbucks takes between 20 and 40 seconds. It’s worth knowing that Starbucks recommends that milk be heated to between 150°F and 155°F for the best taste and texture. This temperature is achieved after the milk has been steamed for the mentioned amount of time.
Starbucks baristas are trained to visually monitor the steaming process to ensure that the milk is properly frothed and heated. They may also use a thermometer to check the temperature of the milk. It’s crucial to note that the steaming process for different milk types may vary slightly. For example, soy milk may require a longer steaming time to achieve the desired texture, while non-fat milk may require less time. However, Starbucks baristas are trained to adjust the steaming time and temperature as needed to ensure that each drink is made to the highest quality.
Does Starbucks steam all types of milk?
Yes, Starbucks steams all the types of milk offered at the establishment. However, a customer can choose not to have their milk steamed.
How much milk does Starbucks steam for a large cup?
The amount of milk that Starbucks steams for a large cup depends on the specific drink being made. However, as a general guideline, Starbucks uses about 14 ounces of milk for a grande (medium) cup and 18 ounces for a venti (large) cup.