How Many Calories Are in Starbucks Almond milk? (Is the Almond Milk at Starbucks Unsweetened + More Information)

Starbucks almond milk is an excellent alternative to milk, especially if you are on a low-carb diet. How many calories are in Starbucks almond milk?

I have been on the keto diet for three years now. To me, dieting does not mean having nasty meals or drinks. I have made a conscious effort to find healthy and tasty options, which has helped me greatly in my journey. For instance, I have no desire to quit enjoying my favorite Starbucks drinks with almond milk. Have you been worried that these drinks may be unhealthy for you? Read on to learn more about the nutritional information on Starbucks almond milk.

A cup of Starbucks almond milk contains approximately 60 calories. Almond milk is plant-based, and it contains the lowest amount of calories among available options. It is keto-friendly and is, therefore, the healthiest choice.

What Is the Nutritional Information Of Starbucks Almond Milk?

Is the Almond Milk at Starbucks Unsweetened

Almond milk contains about 60 calories per cup-sized serving. It contains 110mg of sodium, 4 grams of fat, 2 grams of protein, and 1 gram of fiber. Besides, Starbucks almond milk contains only 3 grams of sugar, which is the lowest among all the milk options at the coffee store.

You will be pleased to learn that Starbucks almond milk also contains vitamin D, calcium, and Iron.

How Does Starbucks Use Its Almond Milk?

Starbucks uses Almond milk to complement most of its beverages. Some of the beverages where Starbucks adds almond milk include Iced, blended, hot, and Frappuccino.

Usually, the barista will steam the almond milk before adding it to your drink. Steamed almond milk is rich and foamy. It blends perfectly well with most coffee beverages. When added to a cold beverage, it creates a creamy, delicious texture that you will love!

Final Thoughts

When you are new to a diet, you may not have adequate information on the available healthy food and drink options. For instance, if you are a lover of Starbucks, you probably want to know what healthy beverage options they have for you. In this article, we discuss the nutritional information of Starbucks almond milk and more.

FAQ Section

Is the almond milk at Starbucks unsweetened?

Yes, the Starbucks almond milk is unsweetened. However, this does not mean that it is devoid of sugar. It contains only about 3 grams of sugar per cup, which is all-natural.

Is the Starbucks milk at Starbucks Healthy?

Yes, the Starbucks almond milk is healthy. A cup contains only 60 calories and 3 grams of sugar. Starbucks almond milk is an excellent choice if you are on a low-carb diet, low-sugar, or non-dairy diet.

Is Starbucks almond milk keto-friendly?

Yes, Starbucks almond milk is appropriate for people on the keto diet. It is very low on carbohydrates. A standard 8-ounce serving contains only 5 grams of carbs, which is the lowest of all plant-based milk options at the coffee giant.

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