Keurig Making Noise (why your Keurig is making noise, how to fix it + more information)

If you are a coffee lover, you understand why a Keurig coffee machine is a must-have. But why is your Keurig making noise?

An unusual noisy Keurig machine could be because it is broken, it is clogged, or it has been placed on hard material. My girlfriend gifted me this lovely Keurig coffee machine for my 34th birthday last year, and I was more than pleased. I loved that I did not have to visit coffee shops every morning across the city and could make as many cups as I wanted from my house.

After a while, I realized it had this disturbing noise that worsened with time. I couldn’t stand it, so eventually, I had to find a solution. A Keurig will always make noise, but when it gets worse, you might have to find a solution quickly! This article will take you through a step-by-step guide on why and solutions to a noisy Keurig.

Why is your Keurig making noise?

Keurig Making Noise

There are many reasons why a Keurig coffee maker could produce some noisy, uncomfortable sounds.

Placed on a hard surface

Before troubleshooting your coffee machine, you should first check the surface where you have placed it. You will often find that your Keurig machine is settled on a rough, hard, or uneven surface, such as concrete, granite, or even tiles. If this is the case, you will find that your machine will vibrate and rattle while the coffee brews.

How to solve this problem- You can always use Styrofoam, a rubber plate, a mouse pad, or a corkboard and place it under the Keurig to cushion the vibrations. You could also use the sticky rubber circles bought on Amazon to raise the coffee maker by placing it on the bottom of the brewer. Although the rattling will not completely die down, it will at least be dampened by the rubber circles.

Clogged with mineral deposits

After a while, your coffee maker gets clogged with calcium and salt deposits. Tap water contains various chemicals, microorganisms, minerals, and bacteria, which get deposited and build up in your machine when you heat water. Although these minerals can be good for your health, they are not suitable for your machine. Tap water is usually full of metals and other contaminants as it is unfiltered.

How to solve this problem- Always use filtered, distilled, and bottled water to prepare your coffee. This is because it contains fewer minerals that can clutter. Still, even if you use filtered water in your machine, it is always recommended to descale it every 3-6 months. Descaling is cleaning the coffee machine to remove the calcium deposits in the Keurig.

How to descale your Keurig

What is needed: Keurig descaling solution or a distilled white vinegar


  1. Fill the reservoir with 16 ounces of Keurig descaling solution or vinegar and then 16 ounces of water.
  2. Allow your machine to run by beginning the cycle of the largest brew size without placing the K-cup. You could let the liquid pour into a mug.
  3. Repeat this process until the ‘Add water’ indicator is illuminated.
  4. Please leave it to rest for 30 minutes
  5. Empty, then rinse your reservoir.
  6. Fill the reservoir with fresh water to the ‘ max’ line using the largest brew size and make 12 rinsing brews. This removes all traces of Keurig’s descaling solution or the white vinegar.
  7. Now brew your coffee but always remember to descale as often as every 3 to 6 months.

Older Keurig models

You might have been among the first people to get the Keurig models, so you have the older coffee machines. This can also be why your coffee maker makes a lot of noise. Since the coffee machine has been in use for an extended period from when it was bought, it is likely that its parts have expired and are damaged. Keurig coffee machines also produce horrendous noises that you will not like.

How to solve this problem- the best solution would be to replace the machine with a newer model. An advantage would be that the new Keurig models have the latest inbuilt technology that prevents them from omitting disturbing noise. It is nice and quiet.

Broken parts

When you have tried to look into all other solutions, and your Keurig is still very noisy, the only possibility would be that it has a broken part. When your Keurig is too loud, the part that is often found to be broken is the pump. If your pump is damaged from the inside, your machine has a disturbing noise that never ends until you fix the pump.

How to solve this problem- you can always contact Keurig and have them replace the broken pump with a newer functional one. This is only possible if you have their warranty and it has not yet lapsed. The Keurig warranty is for a year, so if that time has passed, you will have to do all the replacement yourself. Still, ensure you fix your broken pump!

Why your Keurig is making noises and not pumping water

why your Keurig is making noise, how to fix it

As usual, you may have tried to fill your Keurig reservoir with water and pressed the button, but nothing happened. Instead, you hear grinding noises. This means your water pump has a problem. There are two significant reasons why this happens, and below are the solutions to these problems.

Air has gotten into the machine

Sometimes you may find that air got into the machine, thus inhibiting its ability to pump. When this happens, you will have to shake your Keurig in all possible ways to get the air out. To avoid this, always refill the reservoir before it gets empty.

Water scaling

Most times, debris and mineral deposits build up in your Keurig, causing the water pump to fail. You will have to empty the water reservoir, then fill it halfway and shake water all around it. Then spill the water out, clean the pump’s opening, and clean it with a dish towel. Cleaning the water reservoir is very important in maintaining your coffee machine.

If that does not work, then use a turkey baster and insert it into the part of the reservoir that connects with the machine and pump. Because there will be some water in the reservoir, use the turkey baster to force water through the connection. This will force the debris into the reservoir, and you can clean and refill it before brewing.

If both methods do not work, then you can always use the descaling method that involves using the Keurig descaling solution to do away with debris and mineral deposits.

No noise, but Keurig won’t pump

This typically means that your pump is completely broken and will need a replacement. Just reach out to the dealers and have them replace it. Hopefully, your warranty should not have expired.

Final Thoughts

Why worry about your Keurig coffee machine producing weird noises when you can always find a solution for it? Now you know what you will need to do to continue brewing your hot coffee in peace. Just descale often, replace broken parts and try out the newer Keurig models on the market.

FAQ Section

Does a noisy Keurig need replacement?

It does not always mean that when your Keurig is making some noise, it is spoilt and needs a replacement. Sometimes, it is just the usual noise a coffee maker produces. However, when the noise is unusual, check to ensure there is no breakage, it has been well placed, and it is not clogged. Before settling on a replacement, ensure you have tried fixing all the possible issues.

Will descaling my Keurig help with weird noises?

Yes. Descaling your Keurig goes a long way in fixing the rattling noise coming from your coffee machine. Most times, your Keurig is just clogged and needs to be descaled.

Can I return my Keurig if it starts making noise before the expired warranty period?

Yes, you can. If there is damage, the dealer will have your machine fixed for you and replaced. However, if you are the one that caused the damage, it will not be considered an issue that should be dealt with by Keurig; hence you will have to fix the machine yourself.

Does unclogging water pipes help reduce the noises in a Keurig?

Yes, it does. Sometimes water won’t pump because the pipes are clogged. It is by unclogging that you get to enjoy well-brewed coffee from your Keurig. The process for unclogging is simple, and you can always DIY it.

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