How many carbs are in heavy cream at Starbucks? (How much cream does Starbucks use in their coffee + more information)
Are you a fan of drinks with heavy cream at Starbucks and concerned about its nutrition? Do you ask yourself how many carbs are in heavy cream at Starbucks? Read on to find out more.
Starbucks heavy cream has less than 1 gram of carbs. Being on a low-carb diet, I always look for a way to enjoy myself at Starbucks while keeping my carb intake as low as possible. After doing some research, I settled on taking Irish coffee, which has pure heavy cream and has been my go-to drink since then.
This heavy cream article might interest you if you are like me, struggling to find a balance between sweet and low carb. In it, I expound on Starbucks’ heavy cream calorie levels and the portion used in Starbucks drinks. Read on!
Table of Contents
How many calories are in Starbucks heavy cream?
Checking the calorie levels of what we consume is one step towards living a healthy life. If we consume too many calories, we know lifestyle-based diseases like diabetes are just a mile ahead. And as the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure, so keep a keen eye on what you consume.
Starbucks heavy cream has 100 calories in a single serving, which amounts to an ounce. Though it is low on carbs, you cannot opt to use it in any drink as you would end up consuming a lot of calories, more than 800. So, before you customize your drink with heavy cream, consider the number of calories in the other ingredients in your glass.
How much heavy cream does Starbucks use in their iced coffee?

The amount of heavy cream used in a Starbucks iced coffee depends on the cup’s size. The larger the cup is, the more whipped cream they use to make the drink.
For instance, in a tall drink (12 ounces of fluid), 1 ounce of heavy cream is used. In a Grande cup (16 ounces of fluid), 2 ounces of heavy cream is used. The largest venti (24 ounces of juice) is made with 3 ounces of heavy cream. This combination of whipped vanilla syrup and milk brings a distinct flavor to your iced drink. Also, if you want less heavy cream in your coffee, you can opt to have a splash of whipped cream instead, which is free.
FAQ section
Is the Starbucks heavy cream the same as the puppuccino?
Puppuccino is a Starbucks special made for our furry friends. Dog owners who pop at Starbucks always wanted something for their dogs, too, so Starbucks invented the cup of pure unsweetened whipped cream in a small espresso cup and named it puppuccino. Pure whipped cream is safe for dogs to consume, so the next time you drop by a Starbucks shop, get your furry companion a Starbucks puppuccino.
Does Starbucks heavy cream have sugar?
Yes, Starbucks adds sugar to their whipped cream as syrup.
Is Starbucks heavy cream keto?
Yes, Starbucks heavy cream is keto friendly and best for people on a keto diet.