10 types of coffee blends (best types of coffee blends you should give a try + more information)

There are many types of coffee blends to try, from bold and robust, to smooth and mellow. Don’t settle for mediocre coffee – start exploring and find your new favorite blend from our list below!

Some of the best coffee blends you should try include Kenyan AA, Mocha Java Coffee, French Roast, Colombian Supremo, and Espresso blend. Although I love coffee, I never explored enough to get the best types of coffee blends. Living with my grandmother for one week opened my eyes because she used more than 10 blends of coffee. Each blend had a unique flavor and made drinking coffee less monotonous. Most of my readers ask me to help them choose the best types of coffee blends to enhance their coffee-drinking experience. Therefore, I have decided to write this post to help you pick some of the best types of coffee blends. You will learn some of the best coffee blends you can choose from.

How many types of coffee blends are there?

There are more than 500 types of coffee blends in the world. New blends are constantly created, while some older ones are abandoned. Some of the most common coffee blends are Colombian, Brazilian, Sumatran, Ethiopian, and Costa Rican coffee blends.

What is the most popular type of coffee blends?

The most popular type of coffee blends is Kenyan AA. The reason for its popularity varies with region. For instance, it is popular in the US because of its bold, fruity flavor notes and bright acidity. In Europe and Japan, it is most popular because of its quality and taste and is considered premium coffee. The popularity may vary with region, especially because of price and availability.

What is the strongest type of coffee blends?

The strongest type of coffee blend is the death wish coffee blend. It is the strongest because it has the highest concentration of caffeine per unit. For instance, it can have up to 600mg of caffeine in a 10-ounce cup. The dark roast level, acidity, and presence of robusta coffee beans contribute to the high caffeine levels.

How we choose the best types of coffee blends

You can trust our list of the best coffee blends because we considered various factors contributing to making a good coffee blend. First, we considered blends from regions known to produce the best coffee. For example, Ethiopian beans are known for their fruity and floral notes, while Colombian beans are recognized for their smooth, nutty taste. Secondly, we considered the level profile of different blends and chose the ones with the greatest positive customer feedback concerning their taste profile. Finally, we considered the roast level and the blends that are reputed to originate from quality beans. We obtained such information from hundreds of reviews about various coffee blends.

10 types of coffee blends


Types of coffee blends



Kenyan AA,

Made from Arabica beans from different Kenyan regions


Mocha Java Coffee

Made from Ethiopian and Indonesian coffee beans


French Roast

Made with beans from Latin America, Africa, or the Pacific Rim


Colombian Supremo

It is a blend of Arabica coffee beans that are grown in the high-altitude regions of Colombia


Espresso blend

It is made from a mix of beans from Central and South America, with some added Robusta


Ethiopian Blend

It is made from coffee beans originating from different regions of Ethiopia.


Sumatra blend

Sumatra blend is made from coffee beans from different parts of the island of Sumatra, located in Indonesia.


Decaf espresso blend

It is made from a variety of coffee beans, but they are always made from beans that have had at least 97% of their caffeine removed


Italian blend

It is made from a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans, with a higher percentage of Robusta beans compared to other blends


Tanzania Peaberry

It is made from a coffee bean that occurs when a coffee cherry produces only one small, round seed instead of the usual two flat-sided beans.

Kenyan AA

types of coffee blends
Kenyan AA. Image source: Pinterest

Kenya AA is a type of coffee blend that tops the list because it has a bright acidity and a distinctive fruity flavor, with notes of berries and citrus. Its unique wine-like taste and complex flavor profile, with a mix of sweet, tart, and savory notes, make it an excellent choice for coffee connoisseurs. Also, it has a medium to full body with a smooth texture that is not too heavy or too light. Since the coffee is handpicked, only the ripest and high-quality beans are used to prepare this blend.

Mocha Java Coffee

best types of coffee blends you should give a try 
Mocha Java Coffee. Image source: Pinterest

Are you looking for a coffee blend made from beans of the best origins? Mocha Java is a classic coffee blend made from beans from Ethiopia and Indonesia. It’s one of the oldest coffee blends in the world, dating back to the 17th century. The Ethiopian beans are known for their bright acidity and floral notes, while the Indonesian beans are earthy, with a heavy body and low acidity. Mocha Java tastes rich and full-bodied, with hints of chocolate, spice, and fruitiness. It has a medium acidity level that balances well with the heavier flavors, creating a smooth and satisfying cup of coffee.

French Roast blend

best types of coffee blends you should give a try 
French Roast blend. Image source: Amazon

Are you looking for a coffee blend with robust flavor and low acidity? French roast coffee is a dark-roasted coffee blend popular for its rich, bold, and smoky flavor. It is one of the best types of coffee blends due to its distinct flavor, aroma, and complexity. It is unique because of the roasting process whereby high temperature and extended roast time create a deep and complex flavor profile that includes notes of chocolate, caramel, a slightly burnt taste, and a smooth finish due to low acidity. It is also unique due to the type of beans, which are high-quality Arabica coffee beans, grown in higher altitudes, and have a milder flavor than Robusta beans.

Colombian Supremo

types of coffee blends
Colombian Supremo. Image source: H.E.B

This blend is a premium coffee known for its exceptionally balanced taste and aroma, slightly sweet flavor, and subtle acidity. It is a blend of Arabica coffee beans grown in the high-altitude regions of Colombia, one of the best coffee-producing countries in the world. The blend is unique because it is made with only the highest quality coffee beans carefully selected by expert coffee roasters.

Espresso blend

best types of coffee blends you should give a try 
Espresso blend. Image source: Pinterest

The Espresso blend is one of the best blends due to its bold, rich, strong, and robust taste, making it an excellent choice for making espresso-based drinks like lattes and cappuccinos. It is roasted dark to bring out the beans’ natural flavors and produce a rich crema. It is unique in that it is specifically designed for espresso shots and is created with a blend of different beans, including Robusta beans which gives it the extra crema and strength.

Ethiopian Blend

types of coffee blends
Ethiopian Blend. Image source: Pinterest

The Ethiopian is unique for its quality and distinct flavor profile, making it one of the best coffee blends in the world. It has fruity and floral notes, a hint of sweetness, and a medium to light body. It has a bright, acidic taste that is well-balanced and pleasing to the palate. Since it grows in high-altitude regions and is handpicked, it has high quality.

Kona coffee blends

types of coffee blends
Kona coffee blends. Image source: kona coffee

Kona coffee blend is one of the best coffee blends due to its smooth, rich, slightly sweet flavor and delicate aroma. Its uniqueness is contributed by growing in a combination of volcanic soil, tropical climate, and artisanal farming techniques. The beans are handpicked and sun-dried, resulting in high-quality coffee beans.

Sumatra blend

best types of coffee blends you should give a try 
Sumatra blend. Image source: Starbucks

Sumatra blend is one of the best coffee blends because it has an earthy and herbal flavor with spice notes and low acidity. It often has a syrupy body and a smooth, lingering aftertaste. The beans in the Sumatra blend are grown in volcanic soil rich in minerals, contributing to their earthy and herbal taste. Additionally, the coffee beans are often processed using the wet-hulling method, which gives the coffee a unique, syrupy body and a lower acidity.

Decaf espresso blend

types of coffee blends
Decaf espresso blend. Image source: Starbucks

It has a mild taste with less bitterness and acidity. It has a smooth, well-rounded flavor with chocolate, nuts, and fruit notes. What makes it one of the best is that it allows coffee lovers to enjoy the taste of coffee without the stimulating effects of caffeine. It is an excellent option for those who want to limit their caffeine intake but still enjoy coffee.

Italian blend

best types of coffee blends you should give a try 
Italian blend. Image source: Pinterest

It has an intense, earthy flavor and a strong, almost bitter taste. The coffee is typically roasted for longer, resulting in a dark color, low acidity, and an oily surface. It is a popular choice for espresso-based drinks like cappuccinos and lattes.

Tanzania Peaberry

types of coffee blends
Tanzania Peaberry. Image source: Pinterest

This blend has a bright and vibrant acidity, with fruity and floral notes that are complex and layered. It has a medium body and a smooth, clean finish with hints of chocolate and spice. Tanzania Peaberry’s small, round shape makes it unique, allowing for more even roasting and a more concentrated flavor profile.

Informative Section

What blends make coffee more acidic?

Coffee blends made with coffee beans from Ethiopia, Kenya, Central America, and high-altitude areas, such as those in the Andes Mountains, tend to have a higher acidity—for example, the Mocha Java Coffee.

What is the coffee blend for decaf coffee?

Decaf Espresso blend, Decaf Breakfast blend, and Decaf French roast blend are some of the best coffee blends for Decaf.

What blend of coffee makes the least bitter coffee?

Coffee blends made with Brazilian and Central American coffee beans such as Starbucks Blonde roast, Intelligentsia Los Delirios, Peet’s Coffee Major Dickason’s Blend, Blue Bottle Coffee Bella Donovan, and Stumptown Coffee Hair Bender are some of the least bitter coffee blends.

What blend of coffee makes the smoothest coffee?

Kenyan AA is a coffee blend that makes the smoothest coffee. Although it has slight acidity, its smooth texture makes it one of the smoothest coffee blends.

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